Forget the limitations of traditional chrome plating: with Chrome Mirror you can achieve a perfect chrome finish on any surface, without galvanic baths.
Stay updated on Molteni Vernici, Events and News
The electroplating is a technique, used most of the time for the industrial production, which allows to cover up a non-precious metal with a thin layer...
Emanuele Busnelli, known historical entrepreneur of Brianza, has chosen the finishings Molteni Vernici to dress up his Lamborghini...
Captured in that moment in which the idea comes to life, in which the human mind burns up with a creative passion in order to create...
Eurocucina 2016 the new finishings with a scratched steel effect, the new metallic series "Never Circle" for panels, complements...
Also this year Molteni Vernici will participate to most important industrial and design event at a worldwide level.
Further than all solvents and thinners of the new MV range available from 1st February 2016, the change for Molteni Vernici passes through...
Molteni Vernici is proud to present to all its national and international clients the new range of solvents and thinners...
This is the title of the new article published in the Platinum magazine for Il Sole 24 Ore that is entirely dedicated to the research and development
Resistance and surface hardness, crystalline transparency, permanent and lasting protection. It is with these incredible chemical-physical...
Chrome Mirror, the new frontier of EcoChrome. Chrome Mirror, a finishing that is able to obtain surprising results...
Molteni Vernici is proud to present in a world premiere to the world of architecture, design and contract the new series of...
Molteni Vernici is proud to present globally for the first time the absolute preview of one of the most anticipated and...
Anodyc Collection, the new collection of anodized paints designed by Molteni Vernici, presents new finishings and a new completely dedicated catalog.
Molteni Vernici presents the new Concrete catalogue, the new line of special finishings with the effect of the real natural cement...
A real unprecedented revelation in the world of industry, architecture and contract, which has its roots in millenary studies carried out in the field...
Since it was created by the Company's Research and Development Center, after years of careful studies and research in the field...
A world-wide presentation event that has gathered around itself Artists, Designers, Architects and Brand recognized both...
Molteni Vernici coglie l’occasione per fare un po’ di chiarezza nel mondo vario e complicato delle vernici antibatteriche.
The German international design magazine Möbelfertigung returns to talk about Molteni Vernici and its participation at the Salone...
Molteni Vernici non passa di certo inosservato al Mondial de l’Automobile 2014 di Parigi, dove dimostra ancora una volta...